You can detect, size and localize new leaks in your network within minutes
Which doubles or triples the leak repairs and reduces water losses in your water distribution network.

Your community deserves abundant clean water
This is what we believe. But, water is scarce and managing a water network can be difficult.
We still have the opportunity to act. We can change these shocking numbers, together.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that up to 30% of water worldwide is lost to leaky pipes and that, in the U.S. alone, an average of 700 water main breaks occur every day.
Unicef acknowledges that we need to improve the efficiency of our water resources to prevent this from happening...
Wasted water costs us $20 million globally each day. That's in addition to the costs of repair and replacement...
Life is too short to feel lost in leaks
We care about your challenges. We know that leaks are a hard job. But, keep running in rounds through the network is a waste of valuable time and money on expensive equipment. For a long time making small DMAs and heavy acoustic logging was the only way to find new leaks. Do you recognize these challenges that other utilities shared with us?
Leaks continue to happen and
I feel I lose control -
I get so many false alarms,
I lose control of all the data -
A new sensor costs money,
where should I place it
most optimally to not
waste resources -
It takes days or weeks before I know
exactly what and where a
leak is happening -
It costs a lot of money to
install and maintain DMAs -
I chase every leak,
but sometimes without the right
We don't just care about water. We care about you, just like the other experts we helped.
You can create the foundation to move your reactive maintenance towards preventive maintenance. We're here to help.
Get a trustworthy alarm for a leak within minutes
With HULO you are able to accurately size and localize leaks in real-time.
Increasing productivity of your field teams
So that your field teams are not running around for days in a big area, but are steered into the right direction.

Without the need for DMAs or thousands of sensors
Reducing your maintenance costs, since HULO works with the limited but existing pressure and/or flow sensors in your network.

Do you recognise these challenges?
In order to create the best suitable solutions, we always work together with the client to meet their specific needs.

Our solutions
Compared to traditional leak detection algorithms, HULO's algorithms showed 3 times better results.
Faster and better leak detection
Compared to traditional leak detection algorithms, HULO's algorithms showed 3 times better results.
Modular models, easy to integrate in system
With our modular models, HULO is able to localize leaks all over the world. Moreover, the smaller leaks can also be found.
Up to 50% cost saving on sensor placement
With HULO's algorithms, sensor implementation does not have to be that expensive anymore. HULO's DMA design and optimization technology allows for bigger DMA's compared to traditional methods, keeping the same or even better results.

Read how HULO is different. Instead of solving the symptom, we're solving the disease. Together we are saving water, but also saving investments, due to a clever approach.
Traditional solutions
Try to only solve the symptom, which are the leaks. Actually the disease is not having insights. To solve the symptom, traditional solutions require heavy investments installing & maintaining small DMAs or many sensors to be able to add value, which is a costly approach and takes a long time to get started.
When not available, the alarms are inaccurate and do not include useful localization. Solutions can be hard to implement because models need to be trained, and softwares are not interoperable with existing IT infrastructure.
Technicians still are spending much time on finding new leaks.
HULO's approach
Solves the disease of not having insights. By creating insights, the symptoms will be solved too. For this, HULO does not require DMAs and works with the existing infrastructure. By only 8 days the models are trained and leaks will be detected and localized. Due to its precise and quick analysis, it achieves low false alarms and dense localization even in big networks, within minutes. Built by a modular approach, it is easy to integrate with existing IT infrastructure and other software platforms. Most importantly, HULO helps creating insights towards a digital twin (L4).
Proven and trusted by utilities varying from high to low water losses, where technicians now can do more in the same time.
Feel free to schedule a demo:
HULO’s journey started in 2017 with a strong academical collaboration on fundamental research for a new way to monitor water networks, in collaboration with leading Dutch water utilities.

We work closely with research

Our solutions
Compared to traditional leak detection algorithms, HULO's algorithms showed 3 times better results.
Faster and better leak detection
Compared to traditional leak detection algorithms, HULO's algorithms showed 3 times better results.
Modular models, easy to integrate in system
With our modular models, HULO is able to localize leaks all over the world. Moreover, the smaller leaks can also be found.
Up to 50% cost saving on sensor placement
With HULO's algorithms, sensor implementation does not have to be that expensive anymore. HULO's DMA design and optimization technology allows for bigger DMA's compared to traditional methods, keeping the same or even better results.

Current solutions
HULO gives knowledge directly to the water companies and via service providers.
High upfront costsHulo solutions
HULO gives knowledge directly to the water companies and via service providers.
High upfront costs

About us
We're trusted by investors

And we're active in the ecosystem